· 3 minutes read

Security for businesses and organizations has many facets; it’s not just about technical security, nor is it only about ensuring that all staff are aware of risks related to phishing, social engineering, or having strong passwords.
In this post, we’ll reflect on how to protect your brand on the internet. This is crucial for all organizations and businesses, and it can also hold value for certain individuals, especially those who are public figures in some way.
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· 3 minutes read

This is the first post in our series on various aspects of
security. Now, we take the first step into the digital world and begin
exploring the universe of passwords.
It’s easy to imagine that all IT attacks are sophisticated, exploiting
unknown security vulnerabilities (so-called 0-days), or that systems
are not updated to patch known security holes.
In IT attacks, it’s typically either excessive exposure of non-exposed
systems or the use of weak and leaked passwords that constitute the
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· 4 minutes read
Static Websites

In a digital era where information speed is crucial, the choice of a
web platform is critical. Some have taken a step back in time to use
so-called static websites, but not everyone has discovered the
benefits of static sites yet.
This is not really something new; it’s essentially what we had before
we started with dynamically generated websites over 20 years
ago. However, there are relatively new tools to make static websites
better and easier than they were 20 years ago.
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· 3 minutes read

It’s not uncommon to hear about major companies facing issues with
cyberattacks. Recently, incidents involving the Swedish Church
and Coop
have been in the spotlight, highlighting the prevalence of ransomware.
When dealing with a large IT system critical to operations, it’s
crucial to carefully consider how to manage and plan for ransomware
Whether it’s a personal laptop, a terminal in a store, or a server
infrastructure for a major site, the principles remain the same.
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